... vinalegasta búðin í bænum

Edda Skúladóttir, hannar undir merkinu Fluga design sem er fata og fylgihlutalína fyrir konur á öllum aldri.
“Ég vinn mína hönnun má segja alla leið, þ.e hanna, geri snið og sauma allt sjálf."
Hún notar eingöngu gæðaefni og vinnur munstrin sjálf með handlitun og/eða handmálun en þannig verður hver og ein flík einstök.
After years of working in the fashion industry in Los Angeles and Iceland I wanted to start my own label. My main focus has always been to have fun doing it and not loose it in some mass production. For me creating clothes is like a meditation and everything in the process has it owns saying, the design, the silhouette, the hand dye/ tiedye and etc.
Iam a small business and all of my designs are handmade by myself in my studio at my home in Iceland.